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November 4, 2020

Donor Legacies Featured In Fall Public Service Announcement

We’re grateful to continue serving as the financial broadcast sponsor of the televised Catholic Diocese of Dallas Spanish Mass each Sunday on Univision, ch. 23, at 8 a.m. and the English Mass each week on KDFI, ch. 7 or 27, depending upon your video service provider, at 11 a.m. or the noon replay.

In our latest public service announcement that appears just before Mass, we introduce a number of our former donors who have gone before us, but not before they left a legacy through their generosity that serves the local Catholic community.

Click here to watch the Spanish PSA. Click here to watch the English PSA.

Thank you to others who have joined the effort with additional donations to continue broadcasting the Mass into homes through the end of the year. Click here to donate for the weekly televised Mass on our website.

Because many of you or your friends have created legacy gifts and endowments, or made unrestricted donations from time to time, there are resources to provide for the future.

That legacy is so important for our community at this moment, and for future generations that will also need an uplifting hand.

It’s what our mission is about. Together, we are the Foundation.

Categories: News, Home News